fontana: zomg I know it's #badform to talk about dreams on net but just...
zomg I know it’s #badform to talk about dreams on net but just recalled dream t’other day about being in a “Who’s On First” routine
View Articlesatipera: @Fontana educate me why is it bad form to talk about dreams when...
@Fontana educate me why is it bad form to talk about dreams when unimportant things are normal fare?
View Articlebkuhn: @fontana,I rarely remember dreams, but if we're on this,I had one last...
@fontana,I rarely remember dreams, but if we’re on this,I had one last week that I had to go to #Samba XP again this year on urgent business
View Articlesatipera: @Bkuhn I kept pen and paper and more recently audio recorders by...
@Bkuhn I kept pen and paper and more recently audio recorders by the bed. Going back to when I was a teen I have vivid memories of dreams.
View Articlefontana: @satipera I don't understand it myself but apparently @bkuhn's...
@satipera I don’t understand it myself but apparently @bkuhn‘s spouse has established this as a principle.
View Articlesatipera: @Fontana You are saying Bkuhn's Mrs has by her debating skill made...
@Fontana You are saying Bkuhn’s Mrs has by her debating skill made the net a dream free zone? You are not on your own.
View Articleclacke: @fontana I just shared my dream experience a couple of hours ago....
@fontana I just shared my dream experience a couple of hours ago. fight the tyranny. :-)
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